Environmental Measuring
Health and Safety regulations in the workplace areas often require testing and accreditation. To aid in this we supply light, sound and temperature meters to identify and record information accurately.
Undetected moisture in buildings can result in vast water damage which is why it is very important to use the appropriate meter and prevent possible accidents. Our selection of useful moisture measuring devices can help architects, surveyors, inspectors and other specialists identify any moisture related difficulties.
Compasses & Barometers
Dust Measuring
Light Measuring
Moisture Measuring
Sound Measuring
Wind Measuring (Anemometers)
A selection of useful compasses and barometers are available to purchase. To help predict and forecast the weather we have three barometers to accurately measure and determine atmospheric air pressure. For detecting and measuring airborne dusts we supply reliable dust detectors which can detect lead, asbestos industrial vapors and fumes.
If would like further information or would like help selecting the correct environmental measuring instrument please call us on 01480 404888 or email us at sales@sccssurvey.co.uk.