GNSS post-processing – the online alternative
When no orientation has been given (arbitrary or OSGB36 National Grid), this method can be used to establish 2 or more known stations on-site (from GNSS). This can aid in establishing secondary control (20mm+5pmm) and allow long back-sights for traverse orientations. This technique works in areas without GPRS coverage for NRTK, or if no radio-based corrections are available; however you must have SmartNet license.
[caption id="attachment_94" align="alignright" width="150" caption="GNSS"]
In short, the surveyor would commence an observation-period at each desired station (it is advised to observe twice as many minutes, as the distance to the nearest reference station. Time (min) = 2(dist to nearest ref stn) - on this basis, with OSNet stations approximately 30-40km away, you should observe for ~60mins). This raw data is imported into Leica Geo Office; RINEX data is exported and uploaded to SmartNet via the internet back at the office; the processing is done via the ‘SpiderWeb’ server; the surveyor receives an email with coordinated stations.
For more information on how to configure your kit and the field observation procedure, call SCCS technical support on 01480-404-888 or email