If your Maintenance Date is after the 1st May 2009. To check your Maintenance End date please start your sensor and access the STATUS/System Information panel. On the Firmware page the Maintenance End date, is displayed. The new Firmware can be loaded if the date shown is the 01 May 2009 or later.


For the firmware and application files, please email techsupport@sccssurvey.co.uk and we can email them over to you. Alternatively, you can register your instruments on Leica’s MyWorld to download the latest files, see link: https://myworld.leica-geosystems.com/irj/portal


These Release Notes contain information about the new functionality within the firmware, new loadable application programs and improvements to existing loadable application programs.


General Firmware Improvements for TS30 / TM30 instruments
Improved stability of instruments boot process Automatic Stop in motorization functions Fw downgrade of instruments delivered with v8.55


Improved stability of instruments boot process
It has been observed in rare occasions that on TS30 TM30 instruments with v8.50 and previous versions the instruments boot up process could intermittently stop. In such cases the Leica Geosystems Logo would remain
on the screen and the instrument would not complete the boot-process to the user interface. This issue has been removed in the v8.55 release version.


Automatic Stop in motorization functions
If a user interaction during a motorization operation is detected (e.g. the user
blocks the alidade or telescope during the change face operation) the operation automatically is stopped and the user is informed about the abort. For more complex motor routines (e.g. PowerSearch) the operation is paused
and resumed after 2 sec automatically.


Fw downgrade of instruments delivered with v8.55
V8.55 supports a new driver board for the TS30 TM30 motorisation, which is
not functional with the v8.50 or prior releases. Therefore instruments delivered with v8.55 cannot be downgraded to an earlier fw version of these instruments.


General Improvements for SmartWorx Applications
Sets of Angles
The new Sets of Angles version 8.02 now allows having just one target within the point list. This is applicable in repeating vertical angle observations.


2 Face Measurement function
Using the 2Face REC Function in survey and executing a distance
measurement before, a wrong vertical angle was calculated. This is fixed with version 8.55.


Full support of vertical alignment Application
With v8.55 the Vertical Alignment onboard application (Art.Nr. 787494) is now fully supported. The Vertical Alignment onboard application is especially beneficial for automatic alignment control measurements of high rise structures (vertical monitoring).