GPS500 – Re-initialise or wait? With ageing 500 receivers, tracking issues (especially if the latest v5.1 firmware has not been installed) are becoming a common problem. A quick solution if satellites are not being tracked is as follows: Select Advanced Mode in CONFIGUREOperation Mode. Now, the INIT (F6) key shows in the main survey screen; when a Real-Time Rover Configuration...
Bruce Ford
Smart Rover – Bluetooth or Bust?
SmartRover – Bluetooth or Bust? Having recently mounted GNSS PDL-SmartRovers to quad-bikes, it was found that due to the heavy vibrations encountered on the site, the Bluetooth connections between the RX’s and the ATX1230’s antennas dropped out very frequently. The solution was to use the green-ended GEV173 cable, in a backpack configuration. This physical connection proved greatly more robust. Furthermore... -
Memory cards – format or fail
Memory cards are getting smaller in size, and larger in disk-space. With Gigabytes of space, it is easy to leave old jobs, format-files and codelists on the card and forget about them. In recent months, we have had dozens of corrupted cards, resulting in many hours spent recovering the data. -
Base & Rover – GPS+GLONASS (GG) at one end, GPS-only at the other?
Base & Rover – GPS+GLONASS (GG) at one end, GPS-only at the other? Recent tests conducted by SCCS have proven that using a GPS-only Base (500/900/1200/Viva) and a ‘GG’ Rover in a PDL Base-&-Rover combination act to worsen the estimated position. Because the GLONASS observations are uncorrected (seen at the rover only) they serve to degrade the corrected GPS position... -
GLONASS – is it worth it?
GLONASS – is it worth it? Having a GLONASS-enabled SmartRover has major benefits to an RTK solution. Although 5 GPS satellites are needed to initialise the RTK fix, thereafter GLONASS satellites help to ‘retain’ said initialisation, under a canopy of site obstructions and reduced visibility. In order to determine a position in GPS-only mode the receiver must track a minimum...