1. SCCS supporting Extrudakerb on the A1 Scotch Corner project

    SCCS have supplied, with continued support to Extrudakerb, a Leica TS15 utilising the MA Tracker and M Guide licences which communicate to the Wirtgen Autopilot Paving Control System currently being used on the A1 Scotch Corner project
  2. SCCS Support Extrudakerb on the Leigh Guided Busway project

    SCCS and Leica Geosystems have supplied with continued support a Leica TS15 and Leica PaveSmart 3D solution to control Extrudakerb’s Wirtgen Paver on the Leigh Guided Busway.
  3. Leica Captivate

    For the first time, measurement technology is provided with an intuitive experience and straightforward navigation. Extremely effortless software, trustworthy equipment, and excellent support combine for solution with the most challenging demands. Leica Captivate is the new software for the recognised Leica Viva and Nova measuring instruments. With touch technology and familiar applications, it is possible to acquire and manage complicated...
  4. Cambridge Chesterton Guided Bus Way.

    Leica Excavator and Dozer 3D Machine Control on the Cambridge Chesterton Guided Bus Way.
  5. SCCS - will be attending GEO Business 2015

    SCCS - will be attending GEO Business 2015 - the Geospatial Event at the Business Design Centre, London from the 27th -28th May 2015. As the leading supplier of surveying equipment to the construction industry we will be showcasing and demonstrating some of the most innovative solutions and services we provide. This includes the latest  MULTIROTOR Service Drone, GPS Echo...

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