1. Is your 1200's shutting down every 5mins?

    If your 1200 (TPS or GPS) continually shuts down after 5mins, it is not a fault with the instrument or batteries. This is due to a “Start Up & Power Down” settings (5. Interfaces / 3. General Settings / 6. Start Up & Power Down). Change the “Switch Off” option to “Never”.  
  2. Changing the Vertical Angle to “Running”

    When you want to take a reflectorless to a corner of a feature, which does not give an RL distance, take a distance (F2- DIST) to a close-by feature, then scroll up/down to the point you require and press F3-RECORD. To change the settings so that the vertical angle will change as you scroll up/down: Press the SHIFT then the...
  3. For SmartRovers - 3G mobile data network crowd-sourcing survey by BBC News

    For all internet enabled SmartRovers (GPS1200, GS08, GS08plus, GS12, GS10, GS15), see the below link to a network coverage map generated by the BBC – check the 3G coverage for your site. For service provider maps, see previous blog post. In July, the BBC asked people to join a survey of the UK's mobile phone coverage by downloading an app...
  4. Mini-Prism constant for a GMP105, mounted manually against a nail

    For monitoring and other applications where repeat measurements are required, it is sometimes not practical to mount an array of expensive prisms. In these circumstances, a GMP105 (page 93 of catalogue) can be manually held up against a reference nail and measured by a Total-Station. The constant for this is +40.0mm, using the screw-thread extension at the back of the...
  5. I can't see my survey job onboard the instrument

    If you have done a survey, especially if it contains hundreds of topo-points, and you cannot see the Job when you go to export it, there is a solution! Infrequently and often when the CF- or SD-Card has not been formatted regularly, you may appear to lose your job from the Management list. This is because the job has lost...

Items 261 to 265 of 420 total