For all internet enabled SmartRovers (GPS1200, GS08, GS08plus, GS12, GS10, GS15), see the below link to a network coverage map generated by the BBC – check the 3G coverage for your site. For service provider maps, see previous blog post. In July, the BBC asked people to join a survey of the UK's mobile phone coverage by downloading an app...
Mini-Prism constant for a GMP105, mounted manually against a nail
For monitoring and other applications where repeat measurements are required, it is sometimes not practical to mount an array of expensive prisms. In these circumstances, a GMP105 (page 93 of catalogue) can be manually held up against a reference nail and measured by a Total-Station. The constant for this is +40.0mm, using the screw-thread extension at the back of the... -
I can't see my survey job onboard the instrument
If you have done a survey, especially if it contains hundreds of topo-points, and you cannot see the Job when you go to export it, there is a solution! Infrequently and often when the CF- or SD-Card has not been formatted regularly, you may appear to lose your job from the Management list. This is because the job has lost... -
Re-vamped Viva TS11
Product Announcement - Re-vamped Viva TS11 The TS11 remains a manually operated Total-Station, however changes have been made to increase its functionality as it sits between the TS09plus and the TS12/15. What’s new? SmartWorx Viva Onboard Software To harmonise within the manual total station family, all Viva TS11 are now delivered by default with an extensive application package. The package... -
Which bottom panel is best for my CS10/15
When purchasing a new or reconditioned CS10/15, ensure you get the correct ‘bottom panel’ to suit your requirements. The 2 options are the CBC01 or CBC02 Lemo connector modules. CBC01: Includes - Lemo (USB & serial ports) and USB A host port. For GNSS usage with a GEV237 lemo-to-lemo antenna cable, and USB-stick. CBC02: Includes - DSUB 9-pin port, USB...