The iSTAR® is precision engineered like no other camera and its construction pushes the very limits of today's manufacturing and lens technology. iSTAR is available in two software models - FUSION and PULSAR‚ both of which photograph the full spherical environment. PULSAR offers extended capabilities over FUSION, including speed and time saving features to speed up productivity and provide even...
What is the NTRIP Caster?
Sources: When we dial-in to SmartNet after establishing our GPRS/UMTS internet connection on our GNSS-Rover, we are greeted with the “Net 1: Connected”, then “Connected to NTRIP Caster” info messages. But what do they really mean? NTRIP or "Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol," is a protocol developed by the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy of... -
Logging Raw Obs – a behind-the-scenes life saver
Logging Raw Obs – a behind-the-scenes life saver When creating a RTK configuration-set, (i.e. SmartRover or PDLRover), it is always worthwhile ticking the option to “Log Raw Obs” when “Static & Moving” at a Log Rate of 1Hz. If this option is ticked and raw-obs are logged, you have the ability to post-process your points (using 1s SmartRINEX data from... -
Image Assisted Surveying – by what measure is IAS faster than instruments with and without ATR
Image Assisted Surveying – by what measure is IAS faster than instruments with and without ATR Speed of target aiming (source: Leica Geosystems CH, 5th Jan 2011): Manual: 14.48 s, + 4 s = 18.48 s ATR: 10.42 s, +4 s = 14.42 s IAS: 7.02 s, +4 s = 11.02 s Based on the typical ‘Measurement Time for... -
Echo Sounding – Leica SmartWorx & SonarLite for hydrographic surveys
Echo Sounding – Leica SmartWorx & SonarLite for hydrographic surveys Leica Geosystems ‘System 1200’ can now accept and record depths from an Ohmex SonarMite echo-sounder via a cable. When you measure a GPS position (RTK), the most recently received echo-sounder depth is recorded as an Annotation to that point. For shallow inshore and offshore waters, this new synchronization opens...