We are pleased to announce the release of the new HDS7000 firmware v8.1. HDS7000 firmware v8.1 main features: Support of 2 USB sticks Local language support Local unit support Screenshots Cleanup and Check disk Useless scan settings blocked One Target Orientation (1TO) Please contact hds@sccssurvey.co.uk or 01480 404888 for more information.
Why choose Viva GNSS?
Why choose Viva GNSS? In today’s world of GNSS, using a single GNSS (e.g. GPS only) is a huge disadvantage and consequently a variety of receivers on the market are GPS and GLONASS capable. It is important that a GNSS receiver minimizes the ISB when used in multiple GNSS constellation processing without introducing additional errors. The image below shows how... -
EZiDIG - "excavator mounted cable avoidance system" (EMCAS)
EZiDIG - "excavator mounted cable avoidance system" (EMCAS) EZiDIG is the world’s first excavator mounted cable avoidance tool, it alerts the operator in real time to the presence of buried metallic services. EZiDIG uses market standard buried service location technology to locate buried metallic services during excavation. By providing a real time warning of the presence of a buried metallic... -
GS08 – now both Traditional & Network RTK enabled
The Leica CGR10 ‘UFH cap antenna’ now transforms the Leica Viva NetRover, consisting of a Leica Viva CS10 and the GS08 receiver, into a fully flexible RTK rover that supports both GSM/GPRS and UHF communications. Armed with this fully ‘Smart’ Rover, the surveyor on the ground can choose between Network RTK (i.e. SmartNet) using his/her internal 3.5G modem, or utilize... -
GLONASS – benefits to our RTK SmartRovers
With an extra constellation comes a more reliable and robust solution, with more pseudoranges being added to the equation. In fact, where a GPS-only receiver should see >5 satellites, 100% of the time, a GG receiver will see >10 satellites, 89% of the time. As GLONASS is inclined at 64.8° to the equator, (as opposed to GPS at 55°) your...