Installing ‘Leica Geo Office’ on 64-bit operating systems (Vista, 7) LGO version 7.0 is prepared for Windows 64-bit operating systems. Note however, that the .NET framework (version 2 onwards) for Windows 64-bit must first be downloaded and installed. Restart the computer, and re-attempt to install LGO. It should run smoothly. Once installed, if you require the latest “Design to Field...
Windows Vista / Windows 7 – LGO installation problems?
Windows Vista / Windows 7 – LGO installation problems? The latest release of Leica Geo Office is Version 8.0. This however carries with it many licensing issues surrounding node-lock and server-based restrictions. If you have hired or purchased kit from us recently, and are running Vista/7, you can use LGO v4. The catch is that the old setup wizard is... -
GNSS post-processing – the online alternative
GNSS post-processing – the online alternative When no orientation has been given (arbitrary or OSGB36 National Grid), this method can be used to establish 2 or more known stations on-site (from GNSS). This can aid in establishing secondary control (20mm+5pmm) and allow long back-sights for traverse orientations. This technique works in areas without GPRS coverage for NRTK, or if no... -
Traverse Application Program (1200 & Viva): which adjustment method is used onboard?
Traverse Application Program (1200 & Viva): which adjustment method is used onboard? For totals-stations, the ‘Traverse’ onboard application program can be purchased; this program guides the user through the ‘traverse procedure’ and using ATR automates prism targeting for dual-face measurements. However, at the end you only get a 000° 00’ 00” & mm misclosure; no adjustment. For the Traverse program... -
GPS500 – Re-initialise or wait?
GPS500 – Re-initialise or wait? With ageing 500 receivers, tracking issues (especially if the latest v5.1 firmware has not been installed) are becoming a common problem. A quick solution if satellites are not being tracked is as follows: Select Advanced Mode in CONFIGUREOperation Mode. Now, the INIT (F6) key shows in the main survey screen; when a Real-Time Rover Configuration...